Master craftsman since 2017
Max Klein – Colorful masterpieces, attractive in every respect.
Your master painter for attractive color design and high-quality painting work.
We increase our attractiveness as a company, service provider and employer. Get information and inspiration here now!
Malermeister Max Klein
Ihre Zufriedenheit ist unsere Motivation
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08026 3873174
We not only offer first-class painting work, but also comprehensive renovation services. From planning to implementation, we are here to help you ensure that your home or business not only shines with fresh colors, but is also structurally up to date. Trust in our experience for exclusive design as part of renovations.
Our painters at Max Klein not only offer technical expertise, but also professional color advice. We understand that colors have a significant impact on the atmosphere of a room. We therefore support you in choosing colors that not only reflect your personal taste, but also bring out the best in the room.
Max Klein stands for excellent craftsmanship, including in the area of facade design. Our specialists not only give your building an aesthetically pleasing exterior appearance, but also ensure long-lasting protection from the effects of the weather. Using innovative techniques and high-quality materials, we create impressive facades that are not only beautiful to look at, but also long-lasting.
Your leading master painting company specializes in unique interior design with a touch of creativity and style. From modern color palettes to timeless designs, we skilfully showcase your living and working spaces. Our expertise ranges from subtle accents to eye-catching wall art to add individual charm to your interiors.
Wir machen's modern. Fugenlos, Betonoptik, ein neuer Anstrich für Küchen, Türen oder Geländer verleihen einen modernen Look.
Traditionelle Spachtel- und Maltechniken, Lüftlmalerei, authentische Holzlasuren, Blattgold oder Stuck. Wir können's klassisch.
Innovative Struktur- und Maltechniken, Wandmalerei, individuelle Tapeten und Farbberatung. Wir erwecken Ihre Räume zu neuem Leben.
Abgestimmt auf Ihr Corporate Design oder Ihren individuellen Einrichtungsstil erschaffen wir ein stimmiges Gesamtbild.
Wohlfühlatmosphäre und Funktionalität lassen einen erst richtig Zuhause ankommen und den Alltag entspannt genießen.
Schulen, Kindergärten, Landratsamt. Wir erfüllen die Ansprüche Öffentlicher Einrichtungen und gestalten sie bedarfsorientiert.
Craftsmanship without compromise
Proven craftsmanship
Trustworthy master at Tegernsee
Team spirit, creativity, Innovative